Friday, September 27, 2013

Isabella Pineda: Week 2 Duck

The artist I admire the most is Frida Kahlo ( . So I inspired my Duck Design on her. I decided to make a candle holder because I find candles very soothing and I thought the shape of the duck allowed me to make this variation perfectly. The colors are very vivid and try to recall mexican culture. 

Rendered in Keyshot 1

Rendered in Keyshot 2

Rendered in Keyshot 3

Ghosted showing naked edges

Rendered view

Ghosted with layers


  1. Excellent work!! Let's do a couple small things to make this perfect. First create a link to Frida Kahlos work using her name in your Post. Secont, Boolean Union the wings of your duck into its body assembly. Finally, include a copy of your layers material organization in the screen shot of your colored ghosted images. These three things will make this a perfect post. Again, great work.

  2. Thank you Professor Scott, I have already made the changes.


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