Monday, September 30, 2013

Christian McKenzie - Week 2: Flashlight

      For assignment 2:flashlight I sought to model a flashlight that would have a base diameter wider than the top. Most flashlights are designed cylindrically with a wider diameter at the face where the light emanates. When I am given a cylinder I instinctively want to set it on one of the cylinders ends, specifically the end opposed to the light. My flashlight is designed to stand on the cylinders base so the light faces upright.

      My design is influenced heavily by Celia Torvisco and Raphaël Pluvinage's work HIBOU- Gilded ceramic radio (featured here: 
Rhino Modeling Techniques:

  1. All of the Modeling Aids with base curves for snaps 
  2. Revolve for overall shape
  3. Project Curve(very effective for surface embellishments and trimming.
  4. Mirror
  5. Array (to create repetitive line work)
  6. Trim (To contour my repetitive curve patterns into a specific shapes)  
  7. Extrude Pipe with rounded caps
  8. BooleanDifference
  9. Fillet curve
The Materials:
  1. Lens Cap: Heavy frosted glass. (To allow some concentration of light as well as allowing some peripheral luminescence for aesthetic.) 
  2. Grip and Button: Grey Leather. (The texture brought a very nice contrast to the gilded surface on the shaft. to enhance the texture I edited the material scale and the lightened highlight color.)
  3. Shaft: White Marble ( I slightly augmented the luminescence and the scaled the texture. The curvilinear pattern complimented the ridged gilded surface.)
  4. Gilded Surface Engraving: Silver Leaf ( I like the idea of inlaying metal to enhance a surface.)
  5. Base: Rubber (I changed the color to grey to coincided with the Grip and Button. I chose the material for its skid resistance.)
 Thank you,
Christian McKenzie

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