with edge analysis
glasses with side and front drawings

keyshot back side view
Keyshot top view
Layer Study and edges analysis on rhino
I made these because I have yet to see a pair of glasses that have the ear pieces attached on the bottom, instead of the top. I decided to stick with simple sleek shapes in order to keep it classy. I chose wood and clear glass to make the glasses look professional, and a bright green so it does not look too boring. This product is designed mostly for men. The only change i made from the original drawing was to the ear pieces. they needed to be higher so the glasses would correctly fit a human head, and i also added a few angles to look cooler.
These glasses very accurately represent my sketches. It sports the simple classy look. i used many commands on rhino such as bend, sweeps and Boolean difference and union.
could you explain how these glasses fit on your ears??