Monday, April 8, 2013

Sabina Pareja-Lecaros: Week 2 Flashlight

The main body of my flashlight is transparent acrylic. You may be asking yourself why it looks black and green in the body and head. The colors come from its interior structure made out of stainless steel. The ends and the middle ring between the body and head of the flashlight is rubber, as well as the inverse on/off button. The lamp has a mirror green surface to reflect as much light as possible.
This model was first build in Rhino and then rendered in Keyshot. I am impressed how can Keyshot enhance your render. I am looking forward to keep exploring with the program. 

Ghost View 1

Ghost View 2

Keyshot 1: Flashlight

Keyshot 2: Flashlight

Keyshot 3: Flashlight

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