quick concept
Naked edges
Bad Panoramic Photo.
Keyshot 1 with passing
keyshot 2
keyshot 3
Keyshot 4
My inspiration for making this camera was I hate when you try to take a panoramic picture and the majority of the time you mess up because some one moves or you mess up with the camera. With the Adidas 360 sport your pictures will come out perfect the first time. It has 8 cameras which go off at the same time when using the touch screen timer/ controls, also you can choose which cameras you want to take a picture with as well as set them at different intervals.
The design is circular so you can get the full 360 shot at once with 8 cameras. It has 8 bumpers as well just in case it falls because its a camera for outdoors. With its retractable storing legs it can grow to 7 feet tall for high up panoramic photos.It has a touch screen as its controls and uses wifi or blue tooth to connect to the internet or your hand held device.
While creating this I used the blend command multiple times, also array and boolean commans came in handy. For key shot i wanted to stay simple with a black and while color scheme. The bumpers are made from a molded rubber while the frame is made from a tough plastic while can either be a non reflective surface or a shiny reflective surface depending on the users preference. The camera frame is 8inches long and the height goes from 5inches to 7feet tall.
Place your inspiration drawing into one of your boards then you are golden