Monday, October 21, 2013

Maximiliano Acevedo Week 5: Glasses

For my glasses design I was inspired by the traditional Ray-ban, wayfarer. This is a very famous style, but i thought, how about if you could have different pairs of sunglasses in the same?. So I created my COLOR glasses with this inspiration. COLOR glasses come with four different interchangable color pieces.  COLOR glasses are made out of solid shiny plastic and the glass it is a shiny dark middle grey color. You will be capable of disamble and as amble with other colors to have a different look every day. The way it works is very simple, each piece has a magnet inside of the plastic that when you adapt it with the other piece will get together and then to take it out you will need to pull it out. When the glasses get to the market you will be able to buy separated pieces in different colors and patterns!. It is really easy and fun so now you will have a different color look every day with COLOR glasses.  COLOR glasses are unisex and can be used for the whole family, from the doughtier to the mom or dad, even grandfather could buy a pair of black pieces to build it in a solid black frame!

The use of images to create rhino models is very useful. I found really helpful to be able to follow the lines of your sketches while you model in rhino. The tool crv2view was amazing and i find it ver interesting for next models. I can see how much we have learned during this past 5 weeks, every command and different tool has been used in this project. I choose the name for this sunglasses based in the colorful idea of changing the look every day. Perhaps sounds really simple but I feel the name COLOR will be easy to remember for the costumer. 

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