Saturday, October 26, 2013

Eris Muller Week 6: Antler Ring


3D printed with red acrylic paint

         After searching the internet for unique and interesting rings I found different rings with animal head on it and ones that had bird talons wrapped around. I decided to model my ring after intertwining deer antlers. When the model is 3D printed I will hammer the edges to make them more circular and have that natural rough look to it.
        The techniques I most often used were offset, surface extraction, control point curve tool while rebuilding the points to get the desired curves. I tried at first to project the antler curve to a surface and then I would trim out the excess but when it projected the image it warped, then I figured out how to control the points so they lined up properly.
       The only material I used was a nickel light satin. I toggled with the material properties and the lighting effect on the background and to the ring itself. I tired to use the passes but I decided to put it into Photoshop and manipulate the curves, levels, contrast, and other effects to get the desired dramatic appearance.


  1. make sure your ring is scaled properly. fill out paperwork and submit for printing.

  2. don't forget two different views of your ring.


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