Thursday, November 21, 2013

Christian McKenzie - week 10: Camera

I've known so many people who have bought ungodly good camera equipment, but they don't know what to do with it aside from pressing the capture button. So I decided to make a camera for them. the pretender looks like might be a professional camera, but actually it is a point and click for idiots who like the look of pro cameras.

I started by drawing base curves and extruding them. I drew a contour curve and extruded it. I trimmed the excess. I scaled the contour curve and hide  everything but the front surface and trimmed it. I then blended the surface. I brought back the side the rear surfaces then Piped and trimmed the them, and blended that. I drew a curve on the front and altered the control points so it wrapped around and used the pull command to bring it onto the surface, i then trimmed the surfaces. I drew a contour curve in the side view of how i wanted the cameras face to protrude and extruded it into a surface. Then scaled in 1 dimension the curve i used to trim the camera body, i did some control point editing and pulled the curve onto the extruded surface and trimmed the excess. I blended the body surface and the contour surface together using blend surface. I then brought in a bitmap image of the lens and traced it with curves, revolved it, used polar array to make little notches around it. Drew a top view curve to give the over hanging porting of the lens thing more interest. I used the curve to trim. The 2dscale the interior and blended the surfaces together.

In key shot i just used traditional materials seen on cameras.

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