Thursday, November 21, 2013

Christian McKenzie - Week 10: Laserscan

For this project I bought a cheap vinyl toy. I pulled it's head off for the scan. I thought it would be fun to model it into a  direct knock of a Kidrobot designer vinyl Dunny.  So i did and I named it Dummy. Laser scanning, I partnered with Mathew Grello.

I did an 8 veiw 360 scan of the object, then i did a bracket scan for a hole that wrapped around, then a did a single shot scan for a smaller hole. I then did an auto trim on the scans and aligned them. then i fused them. I then brought them into rapid works and ran a mesh repair wizard and filled any tiny holes that left in the mesh. Since the model wasn't very lumpy, but polished up anyway. I then used the solidify with a relaxed mesh and exported the model.

I traced the contour of the knob on the top that is used to hold on a head. and booleaned the model and the revolved surface together. I rebuilt and altered the controlpoints on a sphere to make the head and the ears, bolleaned them together and filleted the seam.

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