Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Jamie So Whi Lim: Week 10 Laser Scan

For this project, I worked with Kirsten. We tried to scan a few objects like a watch, doll, and a panda light. The most successfully scanned one was the panda, so we decided to work with it. We smoothed out the panda with rapidworks. When we brought it to rhino, there was not much to fix.
Then I remodeled the panda light. I rebuilt a sphere and moved the control points around. When I was rendering in keyshot, I used a blue area light for the inside, and a clear plastic for the outside so that the color of the light would show through the outside part of the panda.
For the rendering of the original rhino with meshes, I used soft rough plastic with red color.

meshes in rhino
close up view (meshes were too close together)
remodeled in rhino
original mesh rendered in keyshot

remodeled rendered in keyshot

original panda light

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