Monday, April 7, 2014

Nico DeLuca-Verley: Week 2 Flashlight Sleeve

 Ghosted Image

     My inspiration for my flashlight sleeve came from the design of my bike handle. I liked the way the many small details supplied a nice grip but were comfortable due to the slight inward curve of the handle. I also wanted to include some smoother parts to contrast the complicated handle of the design, so I included the clean double rings at both the bottom and top of the flashlight.
     The commands I mainly used were rotate, revolve, extrudecrv, booleandifference, curveboolean, the F10 control key, cylinder, sphere, split, and trim.
     The materials I used included aluminum for the body that I painted a darker red, glass for the lens, and then a light source for the 9 bulbs in the center.

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