Wednesday, February 5, 2014

For this project I opted to go for a classic look. A bottle which people would recognize and know right away what it was. Instead of creating something very abstract I kept an organic profile for this project. 

For materials, I used mahogany wood for the main body of the bottle, a gold for some of the voids as well as the cap, and red shiny plastic for a few accents. As a whole, the goal behind my color scheme and materials, was to redefine how people view detergent, and make it something luxurious. Instead of creating a dynamic bottle shape, I decided to use dynamic and out of the ordinary colors.

For this project I mostly followed the tutorial. I used curved lines, sweep 2, join, trim, as well as fillet edge and chamfer. There are a few naked edges on this model. I was unable to figure out how to fix them, as the gaps were very awkward. 

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