Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lydia Batchelder: Week 4 Flash Drive

How many times have you gotten to the halfway mark on your Rhino rendering decided to do just one more fillet and it dies on you? Now how many of those times have you forgotten to save and this happened? If you answered these questions with: never, I always save, or occasionally, your a liar and lose points for trying to be cool. At least us honest (if not forgetful) folks are trying to do something about just this very scenario. When you have opened up a program that can be saved Digital Salvation gives you friendly light up signals occasionally to remind you to always "Save twice and render once!" 

When designing the drive offset became my best friend pretty much every time I needed to increase a shape or drop down a detail I used offset. I hybridized this model by using the direct techniques from the tutorials and then creating my own casing to fit my artistic vision. I drew from historical and Papal images of Catholic crosses and church memorabilia.

When choosing materials I wanted to stick to the rich materials found in the Vatican: golds, jewels, silver, and copper. though in real manufacturing perhaps clear and colored plastics for the light and brass or cheap gold look alike metal for the casing.

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