Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ryan Quinn: Week 3 Hammer

I started modeling with the idea of creating a classy, but still deadly hammer.  After some thinking I choose for the purpose of my hammer  to be as an ice breaker, both literally and figuratively.  I designed something a classy gangster would carry around for extra special problems, that could also be seen as a table piece in an expensive house. i liked the duality of it.

I used the fillet edges tool constantly in this model.  I also used the revolve tool to create the handle and the hitting head, in a similar way that i made the flashlight case for week 2.  The chamfer tool was also used on the head section.  blend surface also held bring all the parts together smoothly.

I wanted the hammer to look classy, respectable even, so i used a muted color pallet for my materials.  The majority of the handle is black chrome, with copper accents, and aluminum rings.  The head Of the hammer is chrome as well, with a brighter chrome on the hitting part of the hammer.

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