Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ben Dunkel Week 7 - Light

This project challenged me to think about all the small details that are involved when you are actually fabricating an object. I ran in to problems after I piped my intersections the first time, because I had not made the model and the spaces between pipes large enough to fit my sections. So I had to start over, but this time I had a more clear idea of how it would be constructed. 

I started out with a simple cylinder for the outer shape and then used a truncated cone and boolean operations to hollow out the middle. I chose this structure because of it's simplicity. The roundness contrasts well with the rigid sections. Once I was happy with the shape, I started using section and contour commands to make the vertical and horizontal sections. Then I used .25" pipes to clear the intersections. This process was tedious but I got better at relying on and trusting OSnaps. 

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