Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chia Yu Lu: Week4 USB

With the USB project I learned a lot from the modeling tutorial. In this project I learned that even the ordinary object such as the USB could be difficult to create. After the tutorial I put in a little ring that could help to hang the USB once that is not use by any one.

                This USB was created from another USB that was already exist. In the beginning I have to put the picture of the original at the top view and use it as a guide line for the right size. After that I have to use the guide lines and transform them in to 3D basic structure. The part that I have to trim the round shapes off was the most challenging part to me, and I was having hard time finding out how to properly fillet edge it. Done with the body I have to create the joining part of the USB and it was made by boxes. One step before I drew out the symbol of USB and project it on to the surface, and the end I added the ring at the other side of the USB.

                With rendering I use metallic sapphire blue for the main body and Steel roughest for the tip of the USB. With the logo I use clear rough plastic - crimson r to create a contrast with the blue, and I use Titanium polished for the ring.

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