Thursday, February 6, 2014

Kristin leverette Week 4: Detergent Bottle

Kristin Leverette Winter 2014 Elds205

I wanted my detergent bottle to a have a different look as well as a different feel/vibe, so I applied a slight abstraction to the bottle to give it a modern feel. my direct inspiration was modern art, Instead of the bottle being a full plastic bottle, I thought a cut out in the middle would give it a more modern feel. The handle to the bottle is not the average handle you would see in retail, I applied spheres to give the bottle texture.
For my modeling techniques I build my bottle structure using organic form and I created an surface using the command sweep two. To build my handle I used spheres and Boolean union them together. To create the bottle top, I extruded the curve to create the top part of the bottle.
For my materials I used a soft touch blue to give the bottles appearance more soft touch. Most detergent bottles are plastic, I thought it would be nice if the I applied an soft material to the external layer. For the top applied plastic, to give the bottle a since of realistic feeling. I lowered my brightness in keyshot to make the bottle stand out more, too much lighting kills the effect.

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