Thursday, February 6, 2014

Julia Ponce: Week 4 Detergent Bottle

For the design of the detergent model my intention was to do a big and durable detergent bottle. To fulfill the needs of an entire family. The shape was inspired in already existent detergent models, but i extended the shape for it to have more surface area.

For creating this model I used offset curves, to create the base and the offset layer in the bottle. For making the grabber i used Boolean difference.   For the cap of the detergent I designed a mechanism for it to pour the detergent in a certain point without getting detergent everywhere.

For the materials of this detergent bottle I used basically plastic, for it to be more durable. For the body I used a whitish plastic, for the pipes i chose to go with a red, as well as the cap.

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