Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ryan Quinn: Week 3 Computer Mouse

I wanted to create a mouse that was ergonomic and slick, but different from the common mouse type of today.  I designed the mouse with a lip to catch the front of the fingers and a slight indent in the middle of the mouse to guide the middle finger to the scrolling ball.  The rear of the mouse was designed let the hand rest on the mouse and not above it.

The overall design of the mouse was made by rebuilding a sphere and shaping it into the design above.  To create the two buttons I used the split tool, extrude surface, and Boolean difference commands and of course filleting.  The ball's resting area was made using Boolean difference as well, with some filleting.  It was a little lighter on the use of commands, but another dive into the organic modeling of the week before.

I called it "The Slickster" so it has to look slick right?  the front part of the mouse is polished chrome.  The scroll ball was given the black chrome material and the buttons were 24 karat gold. The rear of the mouse with given a rubber material, to provide grip and friction on the major part of the hand, while allowing the fingers to fly along as they needed.

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