Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ryan Quinn: Week 4 Detergent Bottle

When i started modeling this bottle i had an idea to make is have a lot of organic forms.  I have seen very few, if any detergent bottles that look the way this one does.  I thought of what if detergent bottles were reusable and cool.  Why can't detergent bottles be cool?

I used both sweeps in this model. Sweep 2 to for the cutouts in the bottle, and sweep1 to help form the screw thread for the cap.  I also used offset and project to form the front logo.  I also used the split command that allowed me to sweep2 the bottle.  I used the boolean tools to help form the screw cap.

The bottle's main material is an anodized red.  The cap is a shiny clear blue, along with the sweep2s in the bottle.  The interior screw on top of the bottle is crystal, along with the fillets for the sweeps.  I liked how it looked like a detergent bottle, but not at he same time.  Its looks tough and fragile, i liked the dynamic.

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