Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sean Carl: Week 4 Detergent Bottle

I wanted to stray from the typical forms of products and introduce a potentially new shape to detergent bottles. My design takes into consideration the weight balance when pouring. It allows both sides of the bottle to stay balanced when pouring, which helps those who have trouble carrying containers with the heavier bottoms. When it is halfway finished the bottle should be easy enough to not be a burden.

The main processes of this model were lofting the basic shape, using inset surfaces through offsetting, and blending and sweeping surfaces. The bottle cap threads were modeled by lofting a curve around a helix. The neck threads were made by copying the cap and using boolean difference to subtract the cap mass from the neck. I also featured an interior shape to hold liquids.

More color swaps were used as I couldn't make my mind up on the glossier materials or softer rougher ones for the body. I chose different colors for the main body and offset surfaces shell. The cap, and cap rim are made for two different shades of soft blue plastic.

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