Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chia Yu Lu: Week 4 Detergent Bottle

I looked up a lot of pictures of detergent bottles and I saw some style in between them, and that is where I got my inspiration. All the detergent bottles that I check has an organic shape that is why my looks the way it is. I also finds out that most of these bottles are large in size so it could contain lots of detergent and the handles are always on the top near the cap.
What I did this time is very alike to the mouse project. Bothe project has things/steps in common, for example I have to begin with drawing a base shape and sweep it with other two curves. Then I have to trim out with the shapes which that I extrude from the surface, and sweep it to make a round curve. I repeated theses process several times to get the shape that I want.  The cap of the bottle was made by following the instructions from the tutorial.
To prevent people mistaken the detergent bottles to milk bottles I uses plastic blue and yellow to create a contrast so people would be extra care with this bottle.

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