Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Brendan Faulkner: Week 5 Sunglass Cam

The Sun-glass were designd by Brian Kuo, this project was the most frustrating project so far . I happened to pick out a drawing of such... in which I as a designer felt addend and determined by what I would half to create from these drawings. It took quite abit of time before I could really figure out how to work the new commands that we had learn. I had found a new friend to help me and vise verse.

The common commands I used though out my project were Boolean Difference, Bend Solid, Boolean Union, Sweep2 and Crv2Veiw. These new commands once learned, made my proses to form my peace much quicker.

The Sunglass Cam Was a Brian Kou original. It started out as spy wear but unfortunately in the design the cam happened to be to large and would give away the spy-er away..   So to keep the design as unchanged as possible, I gave the Glasses a more appropriate use. They will be for a obvious purpose, for filming with style.. For the High class society these glasses will compliment any male figure who can pull off. These Sunglasses are make up of the finest of materials known to man.
  • 24kt Gold studs
  • Dark Mahogany Wood
  • Blood Red Glass from the Greek Ilse
  • Fujifilmcam installed to frames 

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