Thursday, February 6, 2014

Grant Hoskins Week 4: Detergent Bottle

Grant Hoskins Winter 2014 ELDS205

This is the detergent bottle that I created in Rhino. I wanted to keep this model looking like your basic, run of the mill detergent bottle. It reminds me of the brand Snuggle for some reason. It may be the light blue color. I am pretty happy with how my bottle turned out.

I created this model mostly by following the tutorial. I started with curves, and went on to sweep the object. I then extruded several curves and trimmed the difference to reach a form that I was happy with. I created the threading using the helix command. The cap was made using a boolean difference.

I really like how my model rendered in Keyshot. I used mostly paint materials. I basically just played around with different color schemes until I came across something that I liked. I also tried to get the lighting and shadows just right. I think it looks pretty realistic, if I do say so myself.

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