Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Samantha Whitmore: Week 4 USB Drive

Samantha Whitmore Winter 2014 ELDS 205 USB Drive

For designing the USB I made it for a much more feminine look for it. I wanted it to be your generic USB Drive for with more of a girly look for it. Using bright, fun colors not only for pleasure but to be able to easily find in either a purse or a backpack. While having a transparent section on the top for cool looks to be able to look into the built of it. 

To make this I used the tutorials given to us on Blackboard to understand how to make the basic shape of a Drive. Throughout the project I had many difficulties trying to work and follow by the directions so I used the project curve command as well as the extrude curve command to manipulate the shape and cut outs of the drive. Also, using the loft or sweep2 commands to join the figures and finish off by filleting the edges.

At the end of the drive I used metal, this way it's unbreakable when putting into a USB port. I also used metal for its interior parts and changed the colors for more fun. The top smaller section is a translucent material to be able to see into the drive and all it's parts. Leaving the rest of the body to be made from a plastic material for duration of moving it around. 

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