Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lydia Batchelder: Week 6 Ring

This is not a quiet ring. It's big, boisterous, filleted, and most of all it's Scott. What more should be said about this gold theatrical lifestyle statement ring? Do it right, do it with the sexual chocolate promotin' skills and techniques of Andrew F. Scott, and wear his tribute ring through it all. Lines are open and we're waiting for your call. Hurry while supplies last.

The new processes I have learned and applied are those of rendering in passes which is a technique I believe I am beginning to get hold of. some old techniques are piping and filleting which i gained a new mastery of (except on the right nostril.) I am still trying to figure out hot to fix my pipes. In Keyshot I learned much about manipulating materials to get the effects i desired. No that i have kind of seen more of what Keyshot can do I would like to learn it further to be able to manipulate the surfaces with ease.

The materials used were 24 gold and a purple paint with a metal texture to enhance highlights and shadows. Truly I wanted this ring personify that which is Scott and demand attention.

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