Monday, May 19, 2014

Parker Williams "Light Within a Dark Soul"

 Make 2D

With Base Shape
Main Ghosted
"Light Within a Dark Soul" is a lamp that is meant to by hung from the ceiling upside down, or mounted on a table right side up. There are many ways to install this lamp depending on the room. I went with an Aztec theme based on my conspierecy theory fascination making it look like pyramids holding up a cullender. I started with the shape of a truncated cone and found my pyramid shapes. I wanted the triangle to exceed the size of the cyllenders so I lowered the cyllenders about an inch bwlow the top points of the triangles. I created an extrusion of a random size cyllender then used extrudeSrf to get just the shape. I then did a boolean difference to get my main holes. For the one inch lightbulb placement hole, I did a seperate booleanDif for that.

I used polar array to copy 6 triangles around my cyllender which then I started the process of the cutmyribs tool. I loaded in cut my ribs after finally figuring out that they could only be cut from curves and not pollysurfaces. I felt so stupid. Once I made all of my cutmyribs, I used extrude, both sides, solid (yes) and created my shape to use to render in KeyShot. I originally had cool cuts in the 10 cyllender shapes, but realized they couldnt be performed with the lazer cutter without ruining them.

I would really like to stain my wood before forming it all together and I really want to put a red lightbulb inside to give it a dark effect to go along with the name of it. This project was fun and can't wait for them to finally finish laser cutting it.

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